Is compassion out of favor?

May 23, 2011

I have often discussed with my wife and friends the components I think are essential to a healthy society. On the one hand, personal freedom and personal reward for hard work are needed. On the other, policies that promote collective benefit, equality, and protect the most vulnerable people in society. I have never felt that ambition and compassion are mutually exclusive, but our culture seems to be moving in a direction favoring “every person for himself/herself”. Compassion seems to be out of favor. The sad thing is that this mentality seems to lead people to favor policies that are antithetical to their best interest. Many of the people opposing healthcare reform are the very people who would benefit from it. This LA Times editorial addresses exactly what I’m talking about in a clear and thoughtful way.  Check it out and then just look at the comments to see the truth in the sentiment of this editorial. Govt. can’t mandate morality, but compassion is essential.  Right wing culture has encouraged people and corporations to pursue profit no matter how harmful it may be. Thanks for caring.
-Shepard Fairey

LA Times Editorial